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Graphic with the title 'Psychology Of Color' on a dark blue background, featuring a target-like symbol with concentric circles in colors red, orange, yellow, green, light blue, dark blue, and purple, representing a color wheel.

Color Psychology: How it’s Used in Marketing [Infographic]

Perhaps no choice is as vital to marketing as color.

Whether you are selecting the color for a product or for your email marketing campaign, color has a tremendous impact on all of us. Subconsciously, we associate different colors with different things.

Watch our short video (then check out the infographic below) for a breakdown of color in marketing.

Our infographic examines color and branding, looking at some common associations of different colors. It shows the overall importance of color to consumers and characteristics of many individual colors, and it also helps show the connection between graphic design and psychology.

The numbers are pretty fascinating!

Colors can affect how we feel

While color can be appealing to us visually, a lot more is going on behind the scenes than just an aesthetic.

Powerful psychological cues are triggered when we view different colors. Colors evoke emotions, moods, and feelings. Whether you are a designer or a consumer, knowing the power of colors can help you make better decisions.

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psychology of color The psychology of color in marketing directly plays into consumer behavior.

Nearly 85% of consumers name color as the primary reason that they purchase a particular product.

93% look at visual appearance when they buy a product and color improves comprehension, learning, and readability.

When you are looking at the best visual choice for your next project, this color infographic should be a handy guide. Whether you are painting a room at home or designing a web site, color matters. Be sure to do some careful research!

Video: Color psychology in marketing explained

A WebFX employee on a call at their desk with a blue bubble saying insights from our experts

Dan Shaffer explains the psychology behind color and how companies can use it effectively.

Marketing with color psychology

Knowing the psychological connections to certain colors can increase the effectiveness of your company’s branding methods.

By analyzing how colors psychologically impact others, you can make branding and advertisement decisions that will allow you to reach your targeted audiences on a whole new level.

You can even interpret it as graphic design psychology and let it help your decisions on how to color everything on your website.

Colors psychology can be used in nearly any visual discipline.

What colors should you use in your marketing?


Using orange lettering in your calls to action is a good strategy because orange psychologically represents a friendly and confident brand, and will tell potential customers that they should purchase your company’s products and services.

Orange is also very attention-grabbing when used in bright hues.


On the other hand, utilizing green in your advertisements signals a link to nature, wealth and tranquility.

Green is a good choice for your ads if you want to relax your customers, or if you want to indicate that your company can bring them wealth. Another way to get a sense of whether a color might be a good choice for your brand is by taking a look at the kinds of brands already associated with it.

Whole Foods, Animal Planet and Starbucks all use green to indicate a link to nature, which is something consumers want from organic grocery stores, animal shows, and quality coffee products.


Colors develop specific connections for consumers over time, which may be why many social networking sites create their branded images using the color blue. This is because blue relaxes people, but also creates a sense of security and trust in a brand.

Sites like Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and Skype all use blue in their branded images to show their trustworthiness to site visitors, while also creating a relaxing atmosphere in which their social media users can post and tweet until their hearts are content.

By understanding the subconscious psychological effects of colors you use in your branding and advertising campaigns, you can better target your niche audiences and effectively market your company’s image in a visually stimulating way.

This is especially important when you are redesigning a website or brand image.

The psychology of colors is a very powerful tool in web design, graphic design, and other areas of your business.

And, when utilized properly, you can use the psychological impact of color to your advantage in branding, design, marketing, and promotion materials to get the best possible results from every strategy.

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